Monday, September 15, 2008

Keep the Magik alive ... rock on

Life is a magic isn't it ? It throws the most unexpected thing at the unexpected moment. RockOn!! is a movie which symbolizing that fluidity. The band, the dreams, the love , the moments all down the drain in one moment... And then going through the motions of life as zombies with whatever life has thrown on them. Then one fine day , the most unexpected person , the wife who is not part of the past senses something wrong with farhan and digs deep and as life would have it, it throws the friends back together. Then what happens... MagiK

Magic with a K. Are not we all see ourselves in them ?. Some times not doing what we really love to do. Isn't it? Life is just that MagiK Hat , We might not like what we get out if all the times.

Keep the magik alive....
No matter what, as you know, the hat might throw that dream on you again...
Go watch RockOn!! for some cool music and for those reminiscing moments of life which we might have left back ....


Vivek Barun said...

yah nice movie .saw it y'day

Abhay Karnataki said...

Its a great idea to have a comic strip! how to set up! right now its not working...